Event Details

SATSA will host its National Annual General Meeting (AGM) as a hybrid event during the SATSA 'This is Us' 2024 Conference.

Members and Stakeholders are encouraged to register and attend this important event where we come together to discuss and shape the future of our association.

  • Date & Time: 16 August 2024 @ 09:00 AM
  • Physical Attendance: In-person (for registered conference delegates only due to space) @ Kogelberg Conference Centre, Arabella Hotel, Spa & Golf
  • Online Attendance: A Zoom meeting link will be shared with registered online attendees prior to the event
  • Registration: To Register click here


09:00 - 09:10
Welcome & Chairperson Report
- Approval of Agenda
09:10 - 09:20
CEO Report
09:20 - 09:25
Treasurer Report
09:25 - 09:30
AGM Governance & Meeting Closure
- Members Present & Apologies
- Declaration of Quorum
- Approval of Minutes of the 2023 AGM
- Board Members Confirmation
- Matters Arising
23) Draft AGM Minutes - 23 Aug 2023.pdfdownload
SATSA Draft AFS 2023.pdfdownload
SATSA NPC - 2024 Audit Quote.pdfdownload


  • Oupa Pilane (Co-Founder (SATSA Chairperson) of Graskop Gorge Lift Company)

    Oupa Pilane

    Co-Founder (SATSA Chairperson) of Graskop Gorge Lift Company

  • David Frost (CEO of SATSA)

    David Frost

    CEO of SATSA

    view more
  • Trevor Hewett (Managing Director (SATSA Treasurer) of African Pride Tours)

    Trevor Hewett

    Managing Director (SATSA Treasurer) of African Pride Tours

AGM Information

1. Notice 

On behalf of the SATSA Chapter and SATSA Board, notice is hereby given of the National AGM on 16 August 2024 at 09:00. The AGM will take place as a hybrid event.


2. Distribution of Notice 

This notice of the AGM is being distributed by electronic mail to all members of SATSA as per their officially submitted company contact details.


3. Purpose of Meeting 

The purpose of the AGM is to transact the business as set out in the agenda.


4. AGM Attendance 

All SATSA Members are entitled to attend the meeting, regardless of their membership status. 


5. Record Date 

The record date refers to the date established under section 59 on which a company determines the identity of its Members. The 2024 record date for SATSA is set as 31 July 2024. This date will be used to determine which members are entitled to vote at this AGM.


6. Voting and Proxy 

Voting at the National AGM is open to all main members in good standing. Good standing refers to membership fees being paid in full and annual reviews completed for the 2024 year as of the record date. Each Voting Member shall have 1 vote, whether in person via its Voting Representative, its Member's Representative, or its Proxy.


During the SATSA annual review process, all members are required to register their Voting Representative as part of the online review. This is the person nominated by the company to be responsible for voting at SATSA meetings or responsible for the appointment of a Memer's Representative or Proxy.


Please visit the SATSA membership directory hereโ€‹ to determine your eligibility to vote. If the company does not appear on the directory, it is not in good standing.


6.1 Appointment of a Member's Representative 

Should the Voting Representative, as registered during the SATSA annual review, not be able to attend, they may appoint a Member's Representative within the employment of the company to attend, speak, and vote in their stead. Complete the Member's Representative Form hereโ€‹ before 17:00 on 15 August 2024.


6.2 Appointment of a Proxy 

Should the member company not be able to attend, the Voting Member is entitled to appoint a proxy (another SATSA member) to attend, speak, and vote in their stead, provided the proxy member is in good standing. If a Proxy is required, complete the Poxy Form hereโ€‹ before before 17:00 on 15 August 2024.


7. Verification of Right to Attend Meeting 

A person wishing to attend or participate in a members' meeting may be requested to present reasonably satisfactory identification. Acceptable forms of identification include a valid identity document, driver's licence, or passport. If the identification process is not completed by the time the meeting is scheduled to begin, the commencement of the meeting shall be delayed until the process is complete.


8. Quorum 

A quorum at any General Meeting shall be constituted by at least 10% of the Voting Members, either present in person or represented by proxy.


9. Approvals Required for Resolutions 

As per the SATSA Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI), the following is required for resolutions:


9.1 Special Resolutions require the approval of at least 67% of the total votes cast on the resolutions by members present or represented by proxy at the AGM.

9.2 Ordinary Resolutions require the approval of more than 50% of the total votes cast on the resolutions by members present or represented by proxy at the AGM.

10. Proposed Resolutions for the 2024 AGM 

Ordinary Resolutions to take place at the AGM include:

10.1 Election and Confirmation of SATSA Board of Directors

"Resolve to elect those members who have been suitably nominated to serve as SATSA Directors."


Explanatory note:

The following Directors have completed their current term, and it is indicated whether they have agreed to stand again:

  • Andre du Toit - standing to serve for another term
  • Bunny Bhoola - standing to serve for another term
  • Marilda Wiegand - standing to serve for another term
  • Martina Barth - standing to serve for another term
  • Phinah Muthige - -standing to serve for another term
  • Rob Hetem - will not be standing again


One Director position is thus available to be filled. Members are encouraged to nominate candidates for this position.

Nominations of candidates eligible for election to the SATSA Board should be made in writing by a Voting Member and accepted by the nominee, both in good standing. Nominees must be employed by a SATSA Member, involved in the industry, not be disqualified from acting as a Director in terms of the Act and be fit and proper persons.


The online Board Nomination Form (available here) must be completed and submitted before 15:00 on the 7th day prior to the National AGM being 9 August 2024

The names of all validly nominated nominees shall be announced at the AGM. If there are more nominees, a vote shall be held and the number of candidates with the most votes from Voting Members shall be appointed to the Board.

10.2 Approval of Treasurer's Report 

"Resolve that the Treasurer's Report, as presented, incorporating the draft Annual Financial Statements for the year ended December 2023 is hereby approved and adopted."


Explanatory note

The Draft Annual Financial Statement 2023 can be accessed here.


10.3 Appointment of Auditors

"Resolve that the firm Alchemy Audit Services be reappointed for the ensuing year."

10.4 Approval of Auditor's Remuneration 

"Resolve that the auditors' remuneration be approved for the 2024 financial year."


Explanatory note

The Auditors' Quote for 2024 can be accessed here.


10.5 Approval of Membership Fee Increase 

"Resolve that the annual Membership fees will increase by either 7.5% or 5% for the year commencing on 01 January 2025."


Explanatory note

The Board of SATSA proposes that the 2025 membership fees be increased by 7.5% to build up cash reserves for SATSA. The initial proposal was 5%. Members will vote on this matter.  

11. Matters Arising / Proposals by Members 

Any Voting Member shall be entitled to propose matters for resolution. Such proposals must be submitted at least 7 days prior to the meeting to Hannelie@satsa.co.za.


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