Wednesday, August 23, 2023 (10:00 - 12:00) GMT+2
1. SATSA NPC MOI Amendments
To accept, as special resolutions, the amendments to the SATSA NPC MOI.
Download Annexure D for the draft MOI with tracked changes and Annexure E for the Adventure Tourism Code of Good Practice Guideline, refered to in 3.2.15 of the MOI
1. Appointment of Chapter Committee Members
"Resolved to elect those members who have been suitably nominated to serve as SATSA Chapter committee members."
Explanatory Note:
Committee Details:
The Chapter Committee shall have the power to:
2. Confirmation of Chapter Chairs
"Resolved to confirm SATSA's Chapter Chairs as follows".
3. Election and Confirmation of SATSA's Board of Directors
๏ปฟ"Resolved to elect those members who have been suitably nominated to serve as SATSA Directors."
Explanatory note:
The following Directors have completed their current term, and it is indicated whether they have agreed to stand again:
Three Director positions are thus available to be filled, including the position of SATSA Treasurer. Members are encouraged to nominate candidates for these positions.
Nominations of candidates eligible for election to the SATSA Board should be made in writing, duly signed by a Voting Member and accepted by the nominee, both in good standing (i.e., online annual review completed, and membership fee paid).
The completed and signed Nomination Form must be submitted to, before 15:00 on the 7th day prior to the National AGM being 16 August 2023.
Please download Annexure G for the Board Committee Nomination Form. Nominees must be employed by a SATSA Member, involved in the industry, not be disqualified from acting as a director in terms of the Act and be fit and proper persons.
The names of all validly nominated nominees shall be announced at the AGM. If there are more nominees, a vote shall be held and the number of candidates with the most votes from Voting Members shall be appointed to the Board.
4. Approval of Treasurer's Report
"Resolved that the Treasurer's Report, as presented, incorporating the draft Annual Financial Statements for the year ended December 2022 is hereby approved and adopted."
Explanatory note:
Annexure G - Draft Annual Financial Statement 2022, will be published as soon as possible and shared with members prior to the meeting.
5. Appointment of Auditors
"Resolved that the firm Alchemy Audit Services be reappointed for the ensuing year."
6. Approval of Auditors' Remuneration
"Resolved that the auditors' remuneration be approved for the 2023 financial year."
Explanatory note:
Annexure H - Auditors Quote, will be published as soon as possible and shared with members prior to the meeting.
7. Membership Fee
๏ปฟ"Resolved that the annual Membership fees will increase by 5% for the year commencing on 01 January 2024."
Explanatory note:
Following three years of no increase in membership fees in order to assist members following the pandemic, the Board of SATSA made a proposal that the 2024 membership fees are increased by 5%, noting that this is slightly below inflation.